Dry skin,乾性皮膚,Le Boudoir Taipei,芙洛坊,護膚保養,舒壓按摩推薦

Dry skin,乾性皮膚,Le Boudoir Taipei,芙洛坊,護膚保養,舒壓按摩推薦


Le Boudoir Taipei 芙洛坊

Dry skin




Today, let's talk about DRY SKIN :


"Dry" is used to describe a skin type that produces less sebum than normal skin. As a result of the lack of sebum, dry skin lacks the lipids that needs to retain moisture and build a protective shield against external influences. This leads to an impaired barrier fonction. Dry skin exists in varying degrees of severity and in different forms that are not always clearly distinguishable.

Significantly more women suffer from dry skin than men and all skin gets dryer as it ages.


The causes of dry skin:

Skin moisture dépends on supply of water in the deeper skin layers and on perspiration.


Skin is constantly losing water via:

- perspiration: active water loss from the glands caused by heat, stress and activity.

- trans-epidermal water loss: the natural, passive way in which skin diffuses about half a litre of water a day from the deeper skin layers.


Dry skin is caused by a lack of:

- Natural moisturising factors (urea, amino acids and lactic acid) that help to bind in water.

- Epidermal lipids such as ceramides, fatty acids and cholesterol which are needed for a healthy skin barrier function.

As a result, the skin's barrier function can become compromised.


The solution is to use intensely nourishing products to restore softness and comfort.

Step 1 - Cleanse both morning and evening with the Comforting Cleansing Milk GUINOT containing Fig Extract and Shea Oil to really nourish and hydrate.

Step 2 - Follow with the Comforting Toning Lotion GUINOT with Allaintoin and Lotus Extract to soothe, repair and protect.

Step 3 - Before applying your regular moisturiser, use an ultra-nourishing serum such as Nutri Cellulaire GUINOT which will work as an intensive treatment to boost tired, thirsty skin. Witrh Mango Butter, Shea Butter and Macademia Oil, the complexion will be left hydrated and radiant with health.


乾性皮膚 :




脫水型乾性皮膚 :



細緻組織脫水型: 可在頸部清楚見到毛細血管和細紋,皮膚對外刺激極為敏感。

粗厚組織脫水型: 皮膚暗黃及粗糙,毛孔粗大。


缺油型乾性皮膚 :


皮膚因缺少天然油脂,以致表皮失去抵抗天氣變化的保護能力。因此在天氣乾燥的季節, 皮膚會出現脫皮及感到繃緊,甚至出現細紋。缺油型乾性皮膚最常見於面頰旁及眼部。


皮膚是人體的天然外衣,一般由外至內分為表皮、真皮和皮下組織三大部分,而表皮又分為角質層、透明層、顆粒層、棘層及基底層。皮膚最外層的角質層,於皮膚 屏障功能的完整起著很重要的作用。角質層上面有一層皮脂膜,是由皮脂、汗液和表皮細胞分泌物乳化而形成的半透明乳狀薄膜,皮脂膜中的游離脂肪酸、乳酸鹽、 尿素和尿酸為天然的保濕因子,對皮膚起保濕作用。角質層和皮脂膜可以防止皮膚水分的丟失。正常情況下,角質層的含水量應該在10%左右,低於這個水平,就 是缺水肌膚;





第1步– 早晚潔面時,使用<GUINOT 婕娜專業保養品> Comforting Cleansing Milk 滋潤潔面乳。



第2步- 按照< GUINOT 婕娜專業保養品> 柔嫩清潔系列的 Comforting Toning Lotion,讓5-尿基乙內酰胺和蓮花精華帶走妳一天的塵埃幫妳回復平靜安穩的心,舒緩,修復和保護。

第3步– 在你使用日常保濕之前,使用< GUINOT 婕娜專業保養品> 含珍貴養份滋養肌膚,復修環境帶來的傷害,如陽光、寒冷和自由基的深層滋養面霜,含芒果脂提取物,乳木果油和澳洲堅果油。
