台北美體推薦,台北護膚推薦,台北按摩推薦, 台北除毛推薦,Taipei,Relaxing massages,台北美體按摩,台北舒壓按摩,Le Boudoir Taipei,芙洛坊

台北美體推薦,台北護膚推薦,台北按摩推薦, 台北除毛推薦,Taipei,Relaxing massages,台北美體按摩,台北舒壓按摩,Le Boudoir Taipei,芙洛坊

Le Boudoir Institut Taipei

芙洛坊 - 台北士林區天母西路18號 - 法國巴黎專業技術美容美體按摩除毛沙龍 

18 Tianmu West Road, Shilin District, Taipei 11157, TAIWAN

將法式沙龍帶入 臺灣,親自挑選頂級質感的法國產品,堅持用純粹的法式溫柔寵愛女人

Relaxing massages






Head massage

Massage face, hair, shoulder and hands.




Soothing back massage     

Massage back, shoulders, arms and hands.




漫步大吉嶺 輕盈腿部按摩 

Relaxing massage of legs : On the road to Darjeeling

Draining and relaxing massage of legs with green tea, honey and Ginger.

Promoting circulation while bringing a fresh feeling to regain lightness and vitality.





Star massage

Massage head, hands and feet.





Lympathic drainage       

Slow massage of the blocked zones which stimulates the immune systems, eliminate toxin and calms the tensions.




Hawaiian massage

Heart of Polynesian tradition, you abandon yourself with a Lomi Lomi massage.

Imiting the rhythmic movement of the Hawaiian dances, your muscles relax deeply, your body relaxes and your mind escapes to Manihi, the island lagoons.

源自於玻利尼西亞傳統,使您沈迷放鬆於Lomi Lomi 式的按摩裡,效仿夏威夷草裙舞的“呼拉”韻律手法,深度排解肌肉壓力,身體得到舒緩之外,更讓您的心靈宛如置身南太平洋小島中



Californian massage  

Long slow and fluide movements which allow a profound relaxation physical and psychic.

It gently stimulates the nerve endings and equally generates a return to balance of the nerves.

Californian is the stress-busting massage, a moment of abandon and union of the body and mind.





3 種非洲頂級有機原料按摩油與保溼緊實乳

Relaxing and firming massage

with three magic African oils and firming moisturizing by NOHEM

Bringing together African traditions creates an incomparate treatment method, harmonizing the body with relaxation and vitality, but also profoundly soothing the spirit, providing an emotional awakening and a vivid, life-giving, sensory experience.






各位美女寶貝們千萬不要擔心語言溝通的問題,親切有趣的法國美容師們說法語,其實說英文也可以 但這裡當然少不了有會說中文的專業師團隊的唷!~


不用出國,只要踏進Le Boudoir Institut Taipei 提供每位女性顧客在專屬個人空間中, 不僅享受歐洲法國貴婦級的服務,更擁有巴黎迷人香氛的新鮮體驗。


Le Boudoir Institut Taipei 芙洛坊

台北士林區天母西路 - 法國巴黎專業技術美容美體按摩除毛沙龍


預約電話 : (2) 2872 4205

18號 Tianmu West Road, Shilin District, Taipei 11157, TAIWAN

FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/boudoir.institut/?ref=hl\

SITE WEB / 網站 : http://leboudoirinstituttaipei.jimdo.com/


English、French and Chinese Speaking

Beauty、Body Care and Waxing Salon in Taipei

台北舒壓按摩 Taipei Relaxing massages

台北臉部美容保養 Taipei Facials skincare

台北美體護膚按摩 Taipei Body care massages

台北臉部和身體保養 Taipei Faces and Bodies Cares

台北精緻量身、脂肪塑整 Taipei Thinning

臉部除毛 Hair Removal  

蜜蠟除毛 Strip Waxing

熱蠟除毛 Hard Wax Waxing

小腿除毛 Half legs Waxing

全足除毛 Full legs Waxing 

手臂除毛 Half arm Waxing

腋下除毛 Armpits Waxing

唇邊除毛 Lips Waxing

眉毛除毛 Eyebrows Waxing 

下顎除毛 Chin Waxing

孕婦除毛 Waxing Pregnant

台北除毛 Taipei Waxing

陰部除毛 Pussy Waxing

私處除毛 Genitals Waxing

女性除毛 Women Waxing

巴西式除毛 Brazilian Waxing

全脱式除毛 Integral Waxing

丁字褲式除毛 String Waxing

比基尼式除毛 Bikini line Waxing

全身各部位除毛 Body Waxing